WCG101’s mission is to empower marginalized communities, with a focus on women and children, through enhanced educational programs and community training to promote equality, economic wellbeing and basic human rights.

Working towards women’s empowerment enables you to support women in their pursuit of healthy and sustainable livelihoods. Women’s groups provide a forum for issues such as family health, women’s rights, and access to resources, income generation, and other challenges women face in their daily lives. Volunteers have the opportunity to exchange ideas, collaborate in ongoing projects, teach basic English skills, help with small businesses, and be a positive role model. You can also provide support in many other ways, depending on your skills and interests and the needs of the local community. 

Women’s Empowerment
Program at a glance: 
Women’s Empowerment
Start Dates:
1st and 15th of each month
Language Requirements:
English (Basic khmer is provided)
Food and Accommodation:
khmer standard with host family in the working community
Key Activities:
working with women in the field, account keeping, awareness raising, technical skills, small grant writing
women from disadvantaged community
Working Hours:
4 to 5 hours a day, 6 days a week
Required Qualifications and Skills:
No formal training required, passion to work with women, flexible attitude
“…I was motivated to work in the women’s care group program,
 and I was very impressed with the
 goals WCG101 had helped the women set. 
I was able to aid the much needed new staff in gathering 
information about the current situation faced by 
each group, so they could focus on the present 
needs of the individual groups giving them the attention 
they need. With the staff routinely checking
 up on all the groups to monitor progress and provide 
assistance in mitigating problems, I think future 
volunteers will likely be able to greatly help the groups
 when they come to volunteer for even a short 
amount of time…”Schroder  Germany 
Women’s Empowerment Program Volunteer
August  10 to December 10, 2009

WCG101 has the following key programmes to empower the local women:
  • Education (Literacy) and awareness
  • Saving and credit (micro-credit)
  • Income generative skills training
  • Women’s health
  • Teaching English Language for young women/Girls
WCG101 runs women education classes in much needy communities. WCG101 has 
trained over 20 women in literacy classes in NOV 2009, which are taught by 
other local women and overseen 
by the women’s programme expert to help everyone learn to a good standard. 
Women need to be able 
to speak good English to access career options through the internet,
 through authentic materials in the English language and because companies prefer to
 employ people with good spoken English.
 The Local women then receive skills-orientated training 
so that they can generate some income through projects
 such as vegetable farming (organic and non organic), livestock,
 incense making, candle making, dry food making,
 hand crafts made at our work shop.
They have regular meetings and save some money every month in their
 saving-credit groups. The women are also 
given training in organic agriculture to help the organic movement, which is labour
 intensive and to give people a chance to meet, talk, learn and exchange views
 with others in the movement.
WCG101 will be indebted to any volunteers with experience in this area. 
The forage development project aims to save women time by having grass closer to 
hand to feed their animals, which is their major source of income
Roles of Volunteers:

  • Work with WCG101’s local staff to train women
  • Help women’s groups for account keeping
  • Work with women in their farm
  • Awareness raising activities
  • Women’s rights 
  • Women’s health issues 
  • Life skills, e.g. leaderships skills, 
  • decision making,
  •  communication, problem solving, 
  • coping with stress
  • Teach English language to young women
  • Develop small grant proposals to fund women’s empowerment programs
  • Research for funding agencies and raise funds for local projects
  • Help explore possible market for women’s products 
  • Research and case studies on women’s programs
So WCG101 invites all interested national and international 
volunteers to be part of our women’s development programs.
 Come with expertise and help women learn or come with 
 no expertise and learn together. Your small effort can make 
a big difference to women in the most marginalized communities!!!
 We do however request our volunteers to be flexible! It takes 
time for you to learn about the local women before you start your 
actual work and you need patience for that. Working in the 
community is not like a computer program, which is preset; 
you click and it works. You will be working with women
 of a totally different culture and lifestyle. Your steps 
will work slowly but sure works!.

Program Availibility: CONTACT US
So come give your love and watch it heal our  world today!..

3 thoughts on “WCG101 SERVICES

  1. I am interested to join your group where do I register and how do I join on facebook I read this from your linked sitehttp://womencaregroup.jimdo.com/programs/ (The peer to peer social networking and charity giving program is meant for members who are interested in either seeking for a micro-loan or donations to solve their various problems such as business investment, educational, travelling and holiday vacation, health reasons, social gathering , wedding party or other projects e.t.c.) Please let me know.Mark DeeLog angels

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